This blog is to document my efforts raising
Red and Yellow Admiral Butterflies in New Zealand. After hearing that there are a lot fewer found
in most areas of New Zealand, I decided to give them a helping hand, to try and
establish a colony of them in my area. Until I began
raising them, I had only ever seen one wild one visit my country garden in 30
years. I also raise other butterflies, moths and insects, so will include them here as well.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Coming out backwards!

Silkworms 4 days old

Its now four days since my little Silkworm eggs arrived, with three already hatched. Since then another 11 have emerged, so there's now 14 of the little darlings.
I have a lot of un-hatched eggs, a bluey grey colour, so hopefully more worms will emerge in the next few days.
I've done a bit of research, and it seems they like it if you cut little strips of leaf, so I'm trying that.
I went to a plant nursery and bought another three mulberry trees, as spares to the large old one we have in the orchard. They are only little plants at the moment, but the worms have been tucking into the young leaves, and are growing by the day.
I have also read that they like to be kept at about 30 degrees, so I have them in a plant incubator with a temp gauge.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Yay... I have Silkworms!

My Silkworm eggs arrived this morning.

 When I opened the envelope, and unfolded the newspaper I discovered three had already hatched. I carefully transferred them with the tip of a very fine paintbrush. There were scraps of paper with the eggs as they had been laid in little groups.  I have put the papers with the eggs on into petre dishes, with fresh tips of Mulberry leaves, and already the three little caterpillars are munching away. Very exciting! This photo shows one caterpillar just starting to nibble through its egg shell (middle egg)